Just Like Home 4 Pets
Because your pets are like our pets!
It is an amazing feeling when you have a connection to animals, especially your own. When they fully trust us, their love is never ending. I believe like humans, not all animals can be trained the same. Therefore depending on their history, breed and personality we sometimes have to be creative and use many styles that can help them to learn and trust.
For what they give to us in our lives-they deserve the best that we can do for them. We offer services as: walks/hikes, house sit with your pets, training, drop in visits, natural cooked meals & treats, and more . Our many years in rescue, constant training and love for animals makes us "Just like home 4 pets"
Lets set up a meet and greet.
(we also service birds, fish, cats, frogs, rabbit etc
check ins & services)
SPECIALS -NEW CLIENTS PURCHASE A 10 VISIT CARD GET 1 FREE! (rate varies on locations and duration)

Cane Corso Puppies
We do work with breeders to give proper nutrition and training for puppies. We are also a puppy mid-wife for Cane Corso's at
Queens Corsos.
We secure healthy puppies from birth and train them in their early puppy life to ensure temperament and health.
Italian Cane Corso's are a breed that is known for loyal protection and also make a great family dog. They do grow to be from 80-130lbs depending on parentage. They are playful, silly, smart and loving. Yet we do recommend experienced large dog owners or owners that will take the responsibility to stay on top of training.

About Me
How I started?
Training your dog is not about force, tough love or who is the boss. It is about speaking their language. Dogs, cats, animals do not go to school like we do.
Yet they have their own unique language since birth. It is known that the most critical time for dogs is from age 2 months to 9 months for training.
Did you know that
a dog has more facial expressions & body language moves that mean more
things -than you know.
If we wish to live in harmony and respect with them-then it is up to us to learn
how to speak in a way that they understand.
We also must understand that not everything can always be learned overnight.
Especially with rescued dogs who have had trauma and been rehomed. Even as children we had to learn what was right, wrong, how to play, how to speak, think and behave. So why wouldn't you think animals need time to learn too? But after all is said, & done- trained and learned- it is an incredible journey for what it will give you back.
This is my story:
My original career started as a teacher of music and dance to adults for 30 years. Yet animals have always been a passion - I helped them part time in a volunteer capacity.
Then in 2004 when my father died from cancer - I was devastated. He was a big animal lover & my greatest teacher. In my mourning I needed to do something to heal. I started being more involved in rescue work, which led me to adopt a special dog named "Isabella" She was originally rescued from a dog fighting person down south. That led me on a journey to learn about rehabilitation and patience. From there I started fostering for various rescues. Yet In 2011, I met my match an English Bull Terrier- named Truman. This was the biggest challenge of all dogs. This breed is known for its intelligence, strength and stubbornness.
As amazing & crazy as he was, I needed help. So, I met an incredible holistic trainer who started teaching me about the connection of emotions, surroundings and all else. He also started giving me work with his clients to learn-dog walking, boarding rescues, etc. When I saw what he did for animals, and what they did for people let alone myself in my healing, I realized I wanted to do more for them.
*After many years of part time volunteering & assisting- I decided to train more officially in Catch Academy.
I wanted to learn all that I could- to do all that can be done for them. I even researched to cook natural healthier meals for dogs to keep them without issues.
With my experience teaching adults and my added training and experience with animals-
I embarked on a new journey to teach the language of animals.
So, join me on my journey and will learn to speak their language.

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”
Vincent van Gogh